Introducing next-seo library

Next SEO is a plug in that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects.


NextSeo works by including it on pages where you would like SEO attributes to be added. Once included on the page you pass it a configuration object with the page's SEO properties. This can be dynamically generated at a page level or in some cases your API may return an SEO object.


First, install it:

yarn add next-seo

Add SEO to Page

Then you need to import NextSeo and add the desired properties. This will render out the tags in the for SEO. At a bare minimum, you should add a title and description.

Example with just title and description:

import React from 'react';
import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo';

export default () => (
      title="Simple Usage Example"
      description="A short description goes here."
    <p>Simple Usage</p>

But NextSeo gives you many more options that you can add. See below for a typical example of a page.

Typical page example:

import React from 'react';
import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo';

export default () => (
      title="Using More of Config"
      description="This example u...."
        url: '',
        title: 'Open Graph Title',
        description: 'Open Graph Description',
        images: [],
        site_name: 'SiteName',
        handle: '@handle',
        site: '@site',
        cardType: 'summary_large_image',
    <p>SEO Added to Page</p>

And there you have it, a quick introduction to next-seo. I will be continuing to improve it over the coming weeks.
Next-Seo gives you many options,
you can check out next-seo on Github

Price Rank Dev
Price Rank Dev
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I use Next.js (React) and Firebase (Firestore / Auth) for development. We are also developing APIs for Ruby on Rails and GraphQL. Our team members are 6 Vietnamese and Japanese engineers.
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